Source code for desmod.component

"""Component is the building block for desmod models.


A desmod model consists of a directed acyclical graph (DAG) of
:class:`Component` subclasses. Each Component is composed of zero or more child
Components. A single top-level Component class is passed to the
:func:`~desmod.simulation.simulate()` function to initiate simulation.

The :class:`Component` hierarchy does not define the behavior of a model, but
instead exists as a tool to build large models out of composable and
encapsulated pieces.


Components connect to other components via connection objects. Each component
is responsible for declaring the names of external connections as well as make
connections for its child components. The final network of inter-component
connections is neither directed (a connection object may enable two-way
communication), acyclic (groups of components may form cyclical connections),
nor constrained to match the component hierarchy.

Ultimately, a connection between two components means that each component
instance has a [pythonic] reference to the connection object.

In the spirit of Python, the types connection objects are flexible and dynamic.
A connection object may be of any type--it is up to the connected components to
cooperatively decide how to use the connection object for communication. That
said, some object types are more useful than others for connections. Some
useful connection object types include:

 * :class:`desmod.queue.Queue`
 * :class:`simpy.resources.resource.Resource`


A component may have zero or more simulation processes
(:class:``). It is these processes that give a model its
simulation-time behavior. The process methods declared by components are
started at simulation time. These "standing" processes may dynamically launch
addtional processes using `self.env.process()`.

Use Cases

Given the flexibility components to have zero or more children, zero or more
processes, and zero or more connections, it can be helpful to give names to
the various roles components may play in a model.

 * Structural Component -- a component with child components, but no processes
 * Behavioral Component -- a component with processes, but no child components
 * Hybrid Component -- a component with child components and processes
 * State Component -- a component with neither children or processes

It is typical for the top-level component in a model to be purely structural,
while behavioral components are leaves in the model DAG.

A component with neither children or processes may still be useful. Such a
component could, for example, be used as a connection object.


from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple

import simpy

from .simulation import ResultDict, SimEnvironment

ProcessGenerator = Callable[..., Generator[simpy.Event, Any, None]]

class ConnectError(Exception):

[docs]class Component: """Building block for composing models. This class is meant to be subclassed. Component subclasses must declare their children, connections, and processes. :param Component parent: Parent component or None for top-level Component. :param SimEnvironment env: SimPy simulation environment. :param str name: Optional name of Component instance. :param int index: Optional index of Component. This is used when multiple sibling components of the same type are instantiated as an array/list. """ #: Short/friendly name used in the scope (class attribute). base_name: str = '' def __init__( self, parent: Optional['Component'], env: Optional[SimEnvironment] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, index: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: #: The simulation environment; a :class:`SimEnvironment` instance. self.env: SimEnvironment if env is not None: self.env = env elif parent is not None: self.env = parent.env else: raise AssertionError('either parent or env must be non-None') #: The component name (str). = (self.base_name if name is None else name) + ( '' if index is None else str(index) ) #: Index of Component instance within group of sibling instances. #: Will be None for un-grouped Components. self.index = index #: String indicating the full scope of Component instance in the #: Component DAG. self.scope: str if parent is None or not parent.scope: self.scope = else: self.scope = f'{parent.scope}.{}' if parent: parent._children.append(self) self._children: List['Component'] = [] self._processes: List[ Tuple[ProcessGenerator, Tuple[Any, ...], Dict[str, Any]] ] = [] self._connections: List[Any] = [] self._not_connected: Set[str] = set() #: Log an error message. self.error: Callable[..., None] = self.env.tracemgr.get_trace_function( self.scope, log={'level': 'ERROR'} ) #: Log a warning message. self.warn: Callable[..., None] = self.env.tracemgr.get_trace_function( self.scope, log={'level': 'WARNING'} ) #: Log an informative message. Callable[..., None] = self.env.tracemgr.get_trace_function( self.scope, log={'level': 'INFO'} ) #: Log a debug message. self.debug: Callable[..., None] = self.env.tracemgr.get_trace_function( self.scope, log={'level': 'DEBUG'} )
[docs] def add_process(self, g: ProcessGenerator, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Add a process method to be run at simulation-time. Subclasses should call this in `__init__()` to declare the process methods to be started at simulation-time. :param function process_func: Typically a bound method of the Component subclass. :param args: arguments to pass to `process_func`. :param kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to `process_func`. """ self._processes.append((g, args, kwargs))
[docs] def add_processes(self, *generators: ProcessGenerator) -> None: """Declare multiple processes at once. This is a convenience wrapper for :meth:`add_process()` that may be used to quickly declare a list of process methods that do not require any arguments. :param process_funcs: argument-less process functions (methods). """ for g in generators: self.add_process(g)
[docs] def add_connections(self, *connection_names: str) -> None: """Declare names of externally-provided connection objects. The named connections must be connected (assigned) by an ancestor at elaboration time. """ self._not_connected.update(connection_names)
[docs] def connect( self, dst: 'Component', dst_connection: Any, src: Optional['Component'] = None, src_connection: Optional[Any] = None, conn_obj: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> None: """Assign connection object from source to destination component. At elaboration-time, Components must call `connect()` to make the connections declared by descendant (child, grandchild, etc.) components. .. Note:: :meth:`connect()` is nominally called from :meth:`connect_children()`. :param Component dst: Destination component being assigned the connection object. :param str dst_connection: Destination's name for the connection object. :param Component src: Source component providing the connection object. If omitted, the source component is assumed to be `self`. :param str src_connection: Source's name for the connection object. If omitted, `dst_connection` is used. :param conn_obj: The connection object to be assigned to the destination component. This parameter may typically be omitted in which case the connection object is resolved using `src` and `src_connection`. """ if src is None: src = self if src_connection is None: src_connection = dst_connection if conn_obj is None: if hasattr(src, src_connection): conn_obj = getattr(src, src_connection) else: raise ConnectError( f'src "{src.scope}" (class {type(src).__name__}) does not have attr' f'"{src_connection}"' ) if dst_connection in dst._not_connected: setattr(dst, dst_connection, conn_obj) dst._not_connected.remove(dst_connection) dst._connections.append((dst_connection, src, src_connection, conn_obj)) else: raise ConnectError( f'dst "{dst.scope}" (class {type(dst).__name__}) does not declare' f'connection "{dst_connection}"' )
[docs] def connect_children(self) -> None: """Make connections for descendant components. This method must be overridden in Component subclasses that need to make any connections on behalf of its descendant components. Connections are made using :meth:`connect()`. """ if any(child._not_connected for child in self._children): raise ConnectError( '{0} has unconnected children; implement ' '{0}.connect_children()'.format(type(self).__name__) )
def auto_probe(self, name: str, target: Any = None, **hints: Any) -> None: if target is None: target = getattr(self, name) target_scope = '.'.join([self.scope, name]) self.env.tracemgr.auto_probe(target_scope, target, **hints) def get_trace_function(self, name: str, **hints: Any) -> Callable[..., None]: target_scope = '.'.join([self.scope, name]) return self.env.tracemgr.get_trace_function(target_scope, **hints)
[docs] @classmethod def pre_init(cls, env: SimEnvironment) -> None: """Override-able class method called prior to model initialization. Component subclasses may override this classmethod to gain access to the simulation environment (`env`) prior to :meth:`__init__()` being called. """ pass
[docs] def elaborate(self) -> None: """Recursively elaborate the model. The elaboration phase prepares the model for simulation. Descendant connections are made and components' processes are started at elaboration-time. """ self.connect_children() for child in self._children: if child._not_connected: raise ConnectError( f'{child.scope}.{child._not_connected.pop()} not connected' ) child.elaborate() for proc, args, kwargs in self._processes: self.env.process(proc(*args, **kwargs)) self.elab_hook()
[docs] def elab_hook(self) -> None: """Hook called after elaboration and before simulation phase. Component subclasses may override :meth:`elab_hook()` to inject behavior after elaboration, but prior to simulation. """ pass
[docs] def post_simulate(self) -> None: """Recursively run post-simulation hooks.""" for child in self._children: child.post_simulate() self.post_sim_hook()
[docs] def post_sim_hook(self) -> None: """Hook called after simulation completes. Component subclasses may override `post_sim_hook()` to inject behavior after the simulation completes successfully. Note that `post_sim_hook()` will not be called if the simulation terminates with an unhandled exception. """ pass
[docs] def get_result(self, result: ResultDict) -> None: """Recursively compose simulation result dict. Upon successful completion of the simulation phase, each component in the model has the opportunity to add-to or modify the `result` dict via its :meth:`get_result_hook` method. The fully composed `result` dict is returned by :func:`simulate`. :param dict result: Result dictionary to be modified. """ for child in self._children: child.get_result(result) self.get_result_hook(result)
[docs] def get_result_hook(self, result: ResultDict) -> None: """Hook called after result is composed by descendant components.""" pass