Source code for

"""Generate graphical representation of component hierarchy.

Component hierarchy, connections, and processes can be represented graphically
using the `Graphviz`_ `DOT language`_.

The :func:`component_to_dot()` function produces a DOT language string that can
be rendered into a variety of formats using Graphviz tools.  Because the
component hierarchy, connections, and processes are determined dynamically,
:func:`component_to_dot()` must be called with an instantiated component. A
good way to integrate this capabililty into a model is to call
:func:`component_to_dot()` from a component's
:meth:`desmod.component.Component.elab_hook()` method.

The ``dot`` program from `Graphviz`_ may be used to render the generated DOT
language description of the component hierarchy::

    dot -Tpng -o foo.png

For large component hierarchies, the ``osage`` program (also part of Graphviz)
can produce a more compact layout::

    osage -Tpng -o foo.png

.. _Graphviz:
.. _DOT language:

from itertools import cycle, groupby
from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence

from desmod.component import Component
from desmod.config import ConfigDict

_color_cycle = cycle(

def generate_dot(top: Component, config: Optional[ConfigDict] = None) -> None:
    """Generate dot files based on '' configuration.

    The ```` configuration controls whether any dot file
    generation is performed. The remaining ```` configuration items have
    no effect unless ```` is ``True``.

    The ```` configuration controls the colorscheme used in
    the generated DOT files. See :func:`component_to_dot` for more detail.

    The ````, ````, and ````
    configuration items control the names of the generated DOT files. These
    items can also be set to the empty string to disable generating a
    particular file.

    The nominal way to use this function is to call it from the top component's
    :meth:`Component.elab_hook()`. E.g.::

        def elab_hook(self):

    config = top.env.config if config is None else config

    enable: bool = config.setdefault('', False)
    colorscheme: str = config.setdefault('', '')
    all_filename: str = config.setdefault('', '')
    hier_filename: str = config.setdefault('', '')
    conn_filename: str = config.setdefault('', '')

    if not enable:

    if all_filename:
        with open(all_filename, 'w') as dot_file:

    if hier_filename:
        with open(hier_filename, 'w') as dot_file:

    if conn_filename:
        with open(conn_filename, 'w') as dot_file:

[docs]def component_to_dot( top: Component, show_hierarchy: bool = True, show_connections: bool = True, show_processes: bool = True, colorscheme: str = '', ) -> str: """Produce a dot stream from a component hierarchy. The DOT language representation of the component instance hierarchy can show the component hierarchy, the inter-component connections, components' processes, or any combination thereof. .. Note:: The `top` component hierarchy must be initialized and all connections must be made in order for `component_to_dot()` to inspect these graphs. The :meth:`desmod.component.Component.elab_hook()` method is a good place to call `component_to_dot()` since the model is fully elaborated at that point and simulation has not yet started. :param Component top: Top-level component (instance). :param bool show_hierarchy: Should the component hierarchy be shown in the graph. :param bool show_connections: Should the inter-component connections be shown in the graph. :param bool show_processes: Should each component's processes be shown in the graph. :param str colorscheme: One of the `Brewer color schemes`_ supported by graphviz, e.g. "blues8" or "set27". Each level of the component hierarchy will use a different color from the color scheme. N.B. Brewer color schemes have between 3 and 12 colors; one should be chosen that has at least as many colors as the depth of the component hierarchy. :returns str: DOT language representation of the component/connection graph(s). .. _Brewer color schemes: """ indent = ' ' lines = ['strict digraph M {'] lines.extend( indent + line for line in _comp_hierarchy( [top], show_hierarchy, show_connections, show_processes, colorscheme ) ) if show_connections: lines.append('') lines.extend(indent + line for line in _comp_connections(top)) lines.append('}') return '\n'.join(lines)
def _comp_hierarchy( component_group: Sequence[Component], show_hierarchy: bool, show_connections: bool, show_processes: bool, colorscheme: str, _level: int = 1, ) -> List[str]: component = component_group[0] if len(component_group) == 1: label_name = _comp_name(component) else: label_name = ( f'{_comp_name(component_group[0])}..{_comp_name(component_group[-1])}' ) if component._children and show_hierarchy: border_style = 'dotted' else: border_style = 'rounded' if colorscheme: style = f'style="{border_style},filled",fillcolor="/{colorscheme}/{_level}"' else: style = 'style=' + border_style node_lines = [f'"{_comp_scope(component)}" [shape=box,{style},label=<'] label_lines = _comp_label(component, label_name, show_processes) if len(label_lines) == 1: node_lines[-1] += label_lines[0] else: node_lines.extend(' ' + line for line in label_lines) node_lines[-1] += '>];' if not component._children: return node_lines else: if show_hierarchy: indent = ' ' lines = [ f'subgraph "{_cluster_id(component)}" {{', indent + f'{indent}label=<{_cluster_label(component_group)}>', ] if colorscheme: lines.extend( [ indent + 'style="filled"', indent + f'fillcolor="/{colorscheme}/{_level}"', ] ) else: indent = '' lines = [] if show_connections: lines.extend(indent + line for line in node_lines) for child_group in _child_type_groups(component): lines.extend( indent + line for line in _comp_hierarchy( child_group, show_hierarchy, show_connections, show_processes, colorscheme, _level + 1, ) ) if show_hierarchy: lines.append('}') return lines def _comp_connections(component: Component) -> List[str]: lines = [] for conn, src, src_conn, conn_obj in component._connections: attrs = {} if isinstance(conn_obj, Component): src = conn_obj elif ( isinstance(conn_obj, list) and conn_obj and isinstance(conn_obj[0], Component) ): src = conn_obj[0] else: attrs['label'] = f'"{conn}"' attrs['color'] = attrs['fontcolor'] = next(_color_cycle) lines.append( '"{dst_id}" -> "{src_id}" [{attrs}];'.format( dst_id=_comp_scope(component), src_id=_comp_scope(src), attrs=_join_attrs(attrs), ) ) for child_group in _child_type_groups(component): lines.extend(_comp_connections(child_group[0])) return lines def _child_type_groups(component: Component) -> Iterator[List[Component]]: children = sorted(component._children, key=_comp_name) for _, group in groupby(children, lambda child: str(type(child))): yield list(group) def _comp_name(component: Component) -> str: return if else type(component).__name__ def _comp_scope(component: Component) -> str: return component.scope if component.scope else type(component).__name__ def _cluster_id(component: Component) -> str: return 'cluster_' + _comp_scope(component) def _cluster_label(component_group: Sequence[Component]) -> str: if len(component_group) == 1: return f'<b>{_comp_name(component_group[0])}</b>' else: return f'<b>{component_group[0].name}..{component_group[-1].name}</b>' def _comp_label( component: Component, label_name: str, show_processes: bool ) -> List[str]: label_lines = [f'<b>{label_name}</b><br align="left"/>'] if show_processes and component._processes: label_lines.append('<br/>') proc_funcs = set() for proc_func, _, _ in component._processes: if proc_func not in proc_funcs: proc_funcs.add(proc_func) label_lines.append(f'<i>{proc_func.__name__}</i><br align="left"/>') return label_lines def _join_attrs(attrs: Dict[str, str]) -> str: return ','.join(f'{k}={v}' for k, v in sorted(attrs.items()))